Utopias and dystopias

Editorial recommendations

General Recommendations:

Articles should be prepared in electronic form (preferred Word file, excluded PDF format) length of the article: 1 publishing sheet (40,000 characters, up to about 20 pages of standardized typescript); Main text: Times New Roman 12 pt;

Content layout:
Name and surname with affiliation: upper left corner of the first page, 12 pts.
Title of the article: middle of the page, font size 14 (bold);
Main text: Times New Roman font, 12 pt, line spacing: 1.5 lines, page layout: left margin 3.5 cm, other margins 2.5 cm.
Subheadings (WITHOUT NUMBERING): from the left paragraph, font size 12 (bold).
Footnotes: 10 point Times New Roman font, single line spacing. Footnote references should be Arabic numerals.
Further content: bibliography, abstract, keywords, authors' biographies Times New Roman 10 pts
Bibliography (alphabetically within the listed sections. The first letter of the name, the first of the listed authors after the surname)
Source materials

  1. Articles and studies
  2. Netography

Abstract: the article should be accompanied by an abstract in English (maximum 1000 characters)
Keywords: 3-5 keywords in Polish and English should be attached to the article
Biographical notes of the authors (up to 500 characters)

Citation rules:

Articles and monographs

  • Monograph: the first letter of the first name(s) (in the bibliography, the first letter after the author's surname and so in all articles and monographs), surname, title of the monograph (italic font), place and year of publication, p. Example:
    P. Winczorek, Prawo konstytucyjne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Warszawa 2003, p. 22.
  • Article in the monograph: first letter of the first name(s), surname, title of the article (Italic font), [in:] first letter of the first name(s), surname, title of the monograph (Italic/Italic font), place and year of publication, p. Example:
    L. Garlicki, P. Hofmański, A. Wróbel, Wstęp, [in:] Konwencja o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności. Tom I. Komentarz do artykułów 1-18, red. L. Garlicki, Warszawa 2010, p. 9.
  • Journal article: first letter of first name(s), surname, article title (Italic font), "name of journal in quotation marks", year of publication, number, page. Example:
    A. Gołuch, Zasada wolnych wyborów w orzecznictwie Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka, „Przegląd Sejmowy” 2007, No. 2, p. 50 et seq.
  • Authors cited earlier: A. Gołuch, op. cit. (if one item), A. Gołuch, Zasada wolnych wyborów...,, p. 150 (if more items), Ibidem (if in the preceding footnote)
  • Normative acts: Act on the Constitutional Tribunal, 01/08/1997, Journal of Laws 1997, No. 102, item 643.
  • International normative acts: Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, adopted on 04/11/1950, Journal of Laws1993, No. 61 item 284.
  • Jurisprudence (first time in the text): Judgment of the ECHR of 18/02/1999, Buscarini and Others v. San Marino, application no. 24645/94, § 60-61. Judgment of the Grand Chamber of the ECHR of 27/04/2010, Tanase v. Moldova, application no. 7/08, § 105.
  • Same judgment cited again: Buscarini and Others v. San Marino, § 55. Tanase v. Moldova [GC], no. 7/08, § 105.
  • Internet sources: M. A. Nowicki, Magyar Helsinki Bizottság (Hungarian Helsinki Committee) against Hungary (Judgement – 8 November 2016, Grand Chamber, complaint No. 18030/11), https://sip.lex.pl/komentarze-i- publications/discussions/magyar-helsinki-bizottsag-wegierski-helsinki-committee-against-402966860 [access: 12/12/2018].

Dates in the text and footnotes with a leading zero in the month description. Example: 01/01/2010

Please also include up to 5 key words (in English), as well as a summary (in English).