Utopias and dystopias

Call for abstracts

The fee for participation in the conference is PLN 400.
The fee for doctoral students and members of the Polish Political Science Society is PLN 250.
The fee includes:

  • hotel accommodation,
  • meals during the two days of the conference,
  • sightseeing in the city and entry tickets to the visited places,
  • as well as the publication of the abstract in the book of abstracts and the publication of the post-conference scientific paper.

Payments for participation in the conference should be sent to the bank account of the Kazimierz Wielki University with annotation:
“the fee for participation in the Utopias and dystopias conference”
Santander Bank Polska S.A.
92 1500 1360 1213 6001 8602 0000
IBAN: PL92150013601213600186020000

We accept abstracts of proposals for presentations at the conference until February 11, 2023. The abstract should contain no more than 1200 characters with spaces. All abstracts will be published with a short biographical note, which should be attached to the abstract.

Indicating in it, above all, research interests, the most important published works and affiliation.